Pushy parents ruin Easter egg hunt: Greedy grownups bulldoze other tots and trash PEZ candy hunt
Children can't take their parents anywhere these days without them acting up. Pushy parents ruined kids' Easter egg hunts this holiday weekend reported the Associated Press on March 27. Confectioner PEZ hosted Easter egg hunts but had to close early and cancel future events due to bad behavior. But it wasn't the kiddies who were acting up. They understood the common sense rules--share, play nice, have fun. It was misbehaving moms and dads who did not. The greedy grownups bulldozed other tots, ran amok at the candy hunt and trashed the PEZ visitor center in Orange, Connecticut. Over a free candy hunt--talk about an epic parenting fail! Pushy parents ruin Easter egg hunt: Greedy grownups bulldoze PEZ candy hunt | Examiner.com